I’m thinking if you reduce the voltage output significantly, so that fewer turns of wire are needed to generate the lower signal voltage (and also resulting in a lower internal R and inductance), then it might be possible to mate the Hyperion to a current driven phono, but as you reduce voltage out, you need to hope for a greater loss of internal R and inductance, so as to get a net increase in current output at audio frequencies. You did the right thing; just use conventional voltage drive.
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- 18 posts total
I was underwhelmed at first by the Sussurro MkII ES. I played with the loading and found it helped a bit, but it never really came alive until I used an SUT. At that point it became a very neutral but detailed cartridge, not quite as dynamic as a Decca, not as rich and warm as a Benz, but worth hanging onto for when one of my mainstays goes for a re-tip. |
@dogberry, which SUT if you don’t mind my asking? I’m using the same cart while SS is looking at my Benz LP-S. I have it loaded at 825 Ohms with my XP-17 and I’m enjoying it very much. |
Not at all, @tonyptony , the VAS MC One MkI. The LP-S is still a better cartridge to my ear, but not by a long way. |
- 18 posts total