Nearfield listening - once more

I have a small nearfield pinpoint satellite speaker system, as well as a large floorstander speaker system, at home. I am intrigued by the fact that the small system does some things as well or even better than the big system. How can that be. A few questions:

1 - how can big speakers be tuned /positioned towards optimal nearfield listening?

2 - what are the main things to consider, to get optimal nearfield sound, with smaller speakers? (I already know that speaker stands and positioning are key elements).

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Nearfield listening is a fun option to my living room system. Neither is better or worse, just different. My living room is appx 36 x 41 and the nearfield system is in a small 9 x 12 room. Nearfield system uses Snell Kiis and makes a beautiful sound down there.

@chrisoshea - this is my impression too. I am now investigating a much closer to the speakers listening position than I've been used to. Very interesting. Better? Maybe no, my speakers are designed to work with the room. Timbre is better with the speaker and room interaction. Yet detail - or some if it - seems better in the near field. So this is at least a very interesting 'alternative take' on how my speakers sound.

I should note that my interest in near field listening in my main system is also motivated by recent changes in my home office system, where I sit closer to the speakers, or use headphones. No crossovers - single driver speakers. No output transformers - OTL amp with NOS tubes takes the main amplification load. The office system sounds good. And even better, now, with a balanced headphone cable to my Nightowl headphones. Nearfield listening approaches headphones.