CD's in DVD players a compromise?

A broader question than it may seem at first. Apparently, the verdict is that DVD players do not excell at CD playback. Are there any DVD players out there that have actually surprised you with their CD capabilities? Also, what is the limiting factor here? Is it the digital reading of the CD. If so, then even an outboard DAC won't improve things. Is it that the internal D to A conversion is optimized for DVD's? If so, then an outboard DAC would be the answer. Does anyone out there know the cold hard technical facts on this subject? Will things get any better (or worse) with a Blue Ray player?
I watch a lot of DVD concerts, so I wanted one unit that excels at DVD and CD playback (audio was my first priority). I ended up replacing my older separates - Audio Research DAC II / Enlightened Audio Design T-7000 transport - with a Rotel RDV-1093 (universal player). During A/B comparisons, the Rotel bested the separates. Additionally, I A/B'd the Rotel with and without the PS Audio DL-III DAC (stock and stage IV upgrade). The Rotel kept its own with the stock DL-III (the bass and soundstage was only slightly more refined running through the stock DAC)and the Stage IV upgrade, while better sounding overall, only bested the Rotel by subtle margins. I could live with the sound of the Rotel RDV-1093. Currently, I run mine through the Cullen Stage IV DL-III to achieve - for me - reference quality (digital reference quality - I didn't say analog). For the money, you can't beat the RDV-1093. If you have more money to spend, check out the Bel Canto universal players.

Note: The Rotel RDV-1093 is NOT SACD compatible.

Happy New Year.
I have the Lexicon RT-20 Multi Player and I only bought it for CD and SACD playback for a dedicated 2 ch system, plus it has many connection options like balanced out!

I doubt I'll ever use it for DVD!

One might say some blind snobery leaks into the DVD player for CD debate and some is justified but not as often as some would lead you to believe. Another vote for Esoteric and Lexicon, I own the RT-10, my dad owns the DV-60 and we are both happy my dad is however thinking of an upgrade to a tube AR Ref8 player.
The Sony Bdp2000es Blu-Ray is the first Blu-ray Disc player in Sony's "Elevated Standard" (ES) line and was designed with many audio enhancements. Its an excellent CD player as well as a Blu Ray player.

It has rigid dual-shield construction. The high-end quality construction employs highly tuned audio parts including multi Channel 192KHz/24bit Audio D/A Converters as well as a solid beam chassis that contributes to minimized vibration and drastically improve playback. The unit's off center aluminum insulator feet combined with the aluminum top panel helps isolate the player from external vibrations , while a rigid drive bracket adds stability of the drive system and a separate isolated audio board prevents interference and keeps the signal as clean as possible delivering better sound.