I watch a lot of DVD concerts, so I wanted one unit that excels at DVD and CD playback (audio was my first priority). I ended up replacing my older separates - Audio Research DAC II / Enlightened Audio Design T-7000 transport - with a Rotel RDV-1093 (universal player). During A/B comparisons, the Rotel bested the separates. Additionally, I A/B'd the Rotel with and without the PS Audio DL-III DAC (stock and stage IV upgrade). The Rotel kept its own with the stock DL-III (the bass and soundstage was only slightly more refined running through the stock DAC)and the Stage IV upgrade, while better sounding overall, only bested the Rotel by subtle margins. I could live with the sound of the Rotel RDV-1093. Currently, I run mine through the Cullen Stage IV DL-III to achieve - for me - reference quality (digital reference quality - I didn't say analog). For the money, you can't beat the RDV-1093. If you have more money to spend, check out the Bel Canto universal players.
Note: The Rotel RDV-1093 is NOT SACD compatible.
Happy New Year.
Note: The Rotel RDV-1093 is NOT SACD compatible.
Happy New Year.