: an agreeable sound : euphony
If one accepts any of those definitions of "music," it sure seems as if opinion and taste enter in to the equation.
I already said : TASTE THERE IS. but musicality is not about INDIVIDUAL taste but about a collective acoustic experience and knowledge ... You dont get it ?
It seems you dont get it...
It seems your are unable to understand that your point is empty of content :
Using the dictionary definition about harmonious and euphony only goes further in my direction : acoustic ...
To be "pleasing to the ears" which is the definition of euphony , is not a definition concerning individual taste but collective humanity ...It is a culturally biased definition for sure, culturally biased ; but nevermind these biases are easy to overcome by any attentive listener, euphony ask for optimal acoustic conditions to be experienced as such...A talented and trained playing musician in a good acoustic room sound euphonic , it is not a taste question ... Do you get it ?
But like a rabbit using a dictionary instead of thinking you circle around your own tail ... Acoustic has nothing to do with INDIVIDUAL taste or about the idiosyncrasies of a single perceiving subject , acoustic parameters were created by studies or ALL humankind specific abilities...
The fact that some with a boom box on their back revendicate this a "musical" will not transform some music in a "musical" event even if some "taste" it with delight ...
It is useless to argue more ... You dont want to understand , your "taste" is all you have , keep it ...