What to ask when buying used speakers?

I have purchased used components in the past and I can do this with confidence their functionality is well defined and easily verified. I am starting to look for a new set of speakers and will consider buying used. Assuming that I am doing this over distance and will not be able to inspect or demo the speakers in person, what are some good questions to ask to determine the real state of the speakers? Any red flags? Can used speakers have incurred subtle damages or wear that will affect the sound? For the sake of discussion, let's assume that they are less than five years old so we can rule out decaying surrounds and old caps, etc.


I've owned 3 sets of Magnepans and a current set of Acoustat speakers,  all purchased used. 3 of those sets were sight unseen.  The 2nd pair I purchased from ebay, they were damaged which may have been a result of shipping.  The seller had me send the speakers to Magnepan for service at his expense. 

There are still honorable people out there, just be careful and selective. 

Enjoy the Music



Lots of good advice here so far! If buying from a reputable dealer I wouldn't worry honestly, assuming they have a good return policy. If buying from a dealer, I would still like to know if the speakers were modified in any way. This can make them sound different than what you are expecting, but it can also lead to problems in the longer run. I've seen speakers with changes to the crossover or drivers which would put a lot of stress on the other drivers, but also once bought a pair where the previous owner drained all the ferrofluid from the tweeter to 'make them sound more detailed'.

I buy all my speakers used and I do always expect to have to do some small maintenance, such as glueing a surround or replacing ferrofluid. If you don't mind doing something like that with some pairs, there are real gems to be found for very little money (:

@mtbiker29 cats destroy grills, but I've also seen surrounds and cones with claw marks.

Speakers (and other components) I  have almost always bought dealer demo or used from a reputable dealer.  They have always stood behind all details of the product and sale.  No worry a that product had been misused.  Twice when I bought something i had not been able to demo and did not like the product, the dealers took them back within 30 days no hassle with full refund or very minimal fee.  My years of building relationships with dealers who I trust and now trust me, has proven very valuable.  I now get great deals and service.  I like supporting dealers.

I am glad the responses were helpful.

I, and I am sure other contributors will be interested in, is whether you do buy some used speakers, which ones, and how successfully.

Could you update in due course please?