You explicitly said that i babble and that i am a quack...
There is not much difference.. I forgot mindless paranoiac... Insults are insults nevermind the word choice..
Once again I will not accuse you lying (as you did to me) but I never referred to you , personally, as a quack--only all those doctors you kept referring to. You mentioned reading a lot of books, and that’s good, but after I was laid off in ’05 I made one of my bad life choices and retrained for a new career in health care; for that I took a couple of semesters of anatomy and physiology and a semester of micro and a lot more and I read a lot of books--but that never made me a brain surgeon. Babble? Maybe that is subject to the ears and eyes of the listener/reader. The way you were responding to certain posts I made that were not about you or directed at anyone, least of all you, was coming off as paranoid. And there is a difference: once upon a time, the term "idiot" was a clinical term that was used to describe a particular IQ. I do not recall referring to your IQ. Although I never said as much, I am assuming that you are not typing in your first language, and that, alone, is an acheivement beyond me.
When i spoke about immersiveness for example you call that babbling words even if you had no idea what is "immersiveness" experience in acoustic and how to perceive and control it ...
Isn’t "immersiveness" a synonym for something? But okay, I could have asked you to expound upon that. That doesn’t seem to be a bad term to describe how a system that is doing the right thing on a given night will bring the listener a pleasing and harmonious experience. But it too just might mean different things to different people; I am not sure . . . depending upon the context, without giving it undue thought, the word "immerse" does almost sound like an objective and active verb. So I’ll give you that one.
I am a quack and you said it yourself your rolled on your back reading my posts ... This is pathetic answer no ?
Again, I don’t believe that I referred to you, personally, as a quack. If you can find the post that I did, I will stand corrected, because I guess it is possible, but I don’t think so, and I am not going to go back and do the reading. "Pathetic" is a modifier I do not use all that often . . . I think there is an argument that it has different meanings in different context . . . I am relatively certain that I did not use it in this "discussion."
I am too serious... I should never had bother myself and others to answer to your tail race about "taste" but i am not perfect either ... 😊
I know for a fact that I have NEVER claimed to be perfect. I know that I am opening the door for push-back on this, but I believe that different gear appeals to different tastes, as does the sound of different musical instruments. Therefore, I still maintain that "more musical" may have different meanings to different listeners
I wish you really a good year...
With all there is in the world my passion for audio and acoustic is nothing very important save for me...😊
I don’t wish you any ill will or bad luck and I honestly would rather that you had a good year than a bad year. I think that if you are happy with the sonic results you have acheived, that is a good thing. I can be happy with mine; I also understand that there is a lot more out there. There is at least one I can think of specifically who describes a great room and speakers that cost more than my entire system front to back. I cannot have that and I am better off not hearing it, as it just might ruin (for me) what I do have.