How can you not have multichannel system

I just finished listening to Allman Bros 'Live at the Fillmore East" on SACD, and cannot believe the 2-channel 'Luddites' who have shunned multichannel sound. They probably shun fuel injected engines as well. Oh well, their loss, but Kal has it right.
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Tvad, I decided to help you along and with my incredible research skills (having honed them at the Library of Congress)I found an interview with the chief engineer of the multichannel sacd Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd. He goes into every detail that you are seeking.

Please copy and and paste and report back with your impressions.
Still just a guy talking loudly (sometimes sarcastically and rudely) about what his preference in musical presentation is....perhaps you'd like to tell me next how I should want my steak cooked....
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Mr. Smuck, no, I won't attempt to cook your steak, but nice 'Vegas' effect with your system, or were you trying to imagine what a hi-fi system would look like on the 'Enterprise'.