DAC upgrade

Let me start by saying I am a vinyl guy, but digital streaming, particularly if I can achieve the right sound has many advantages. My 2 channel equipment is as follows: 

Rogue RP-1 w/ NOS Brimar CV4003, LSA Warp 1, KEF R11’s, Rhythmic F12SE, Pro-ject 1Xpression w/Hana ML, Rega Aria, Bluesound Node, Marantz CD6007, Schiit Modi Multibit 2. Good to very good power, speaker, interconnect cables.  
My weakest link (I believe) is my DAC.

My desire is the best sounding DAC below $2,500, but certainly don’t mind spending less. i want the DAC to be as good as my best current component. I don’t need a DAC with preampliflication, don’t need balanced, don’t need headphones, however I would not eliminate a DAC with superior sound with those features. I do prefer a small form factor.  
My current top contenders are:

Chord Qutest, Schiit Yggy, RME ADI-2, Topping D90 III.

The Chord checks all my boxes… reviews, sound, form factor, no unneeded features, etc and don’t mind its quirky lights… but, looking your thoughts/ recommendations.  Thanks!




The Schiit Bifrost 2/64 is amazingly good, but possibly not expensive enough for this discussion.

  I would look at replacing the streamer before I thought about getting a new DAC

Do not get a Topping. The quality control is dreadful. I would look at Denafrips Pontus. or the Sonnet Morpheus.

I’ll also recommend DENAFRIPS both Ares and Pontus (I actually have both). The Pontus is every bit as good as its reputation. I found it added a sense of realism and warmth to my system. I find it to be almost 3D like. Best way I can describe it. I’ll also say though it adds that little bit extra in comparison to its little brother the Ares, they’re not as far apart as their price tags would make you think…I just bought the Topping E70 Velvet and have to say it really continues to blow me away. I was surprised to read the negative comments, but honestly fi find this little DAC to be amazing for its size, and especially cost…when I moved the Pontus to my Node (just dove into streaming), I bought the Topping to replace the Pontus for my Brennan B2 (all of my ripped cd’s), and I thought I’d be sacrificing quite a bit but much to my shock, I continue to be impressed with the Topping’s performance. I have the Ares handling my old Elite cd carousel duties. So I have all 3 DAC’s in the same system performing different duties. Though each has a different sound, every time I sit down to listen no matter which route I go, I am thoroughly enjoying every single minute😊! 

Don’t let cost factor into your decision and do not rule out the Topping. It’s very small, short money, and you can get it on Amazon which has a very generous return policy. 

All of this said (and I am totally with you on the China thing) the Pontus is my fave..


Best of luck!

+1++ for Denarfips Pontus II 12th,

IMO best DAC under $3,000.....Yet it costs only $1,800. I have upgraded several components along the way,  but never thought the Pontus was the weak link.

The Pontus is a wonderful, musical, fun, enjoyable, terrific DAC. It just does everything well, and nothing badly........if you are a detail fiend, get the Chord, it is a beast......but for me, that lasted about an hour.....then it was so detailed that I stopped enjoying the music. Best of luck to your