Need a big favor picking a preamp

I recently tried out an Esoteric E-02 phonostage and have decided to buy one.  (It was a big step up from a Parasound JC3+, which surprised me.)  I'm working on my preamp stage now, and tried out a Dan D'Angostino Momentum HD preamp and the Exoteric Grandioso C1X


Dan's preamp was fantasic, but I makes me feel like I need to be wearing several gold chains when using it.  Perhaps also a toupee and some gold nugget rings.  "Gaudy" is the word when I look at it. 


I also tried out a Esoteric Grandioso C1X, which was fantastic, but a bit cold, and much of my system is already Esoteric Grandioso, and it's getting a bit fanboyish.   Unfortunately I did not have it when I tried out the E-02, but I assume the two would be excellent together.

I would say the D'Angostino preamp is "more musical", while the Esoteric more "more precise".

There's a third contender I have never heard on my system, but loved when I heard elsewhere on a similar system -- Nagra HD preamp -- it had the precision of the Esoteric and had just a tad bit of tube sound.  It's also startlingly expensive.

I tried out several others that just didn't fit my system: Pass Labs being one, which surprised me.

So, please advise:

D'Angostino Momentum?

Esoteric C1X

Nagra HD


The downstream are two Classe Delta Monoblocks, Bowers 800s, SVS PB16 ultras.  Upstream Digital: Esoteric K-03XD and Lumin U1  Upstream Analog: Esoteric E-02 and alternating between a VPI Titan and Esoteric Grandioso turntable.

Current preamp is a Prima Luna Evo 400, which I love the looks of, and punches WAY above its weight for the price, but it's time to go.




Just checked out the D'angostino preamp.

Who designed that thing, Captain Nemo??!



I have had a listen to Nagra HD and the Momentum both in brand matched systems and was very impressed. I am a less is more guy and prefer SPL from Germany. Why are you not auditioning the Classe Preamps?

Oh that was real helpful.


@jacobsdad2000 @thecarpathian 

LOL.  It was constructive.  I was thinking "steampunk" for the D'Agostino, but it's very Royal Oak Offshore in its looks to put it into watch terms.  Doesn't make it not a fantastic amp (which it is), but I'm having trouble with its looks.  I'm more of a Rolex Daytona guy.  To keep rolling with the watch analogy, the Esoteric is a bit like the highest end Apple Watch, technically fantastic kit.  But something is missing.

 I probably should give the Classe Preamp a try, but I just don't know anything about it.  I kind of fell into the Classe monoblocks at a lightly-used, 50% off, situation and they are a known great match for the Bowers diamonds, such that Bowers (at the factory) unequivocally recommended them (privately, not as a company).

Can you tell me more about the Nagra HD you saw?  It seems awesome, but $70K is making me puke.