McIntosh 2.1kw amplifier?

This thing is huge.

Does anybody own this?

Three chassis mono amplifier, seems kind of absurd. Maybe It sounds OK


I would love to know if anyone has experience with these mono blocks. If that’s provocative so be it.

I do own 600 W mono blocks from McIntosh and I think they're great amplifiers. They do everything you need them to do very nicely.

I do have an interest in their tube amplifiers, and maybe I should consider buying one of those as well as that's what they're known for.

All the other stuff they offer like av processors, etc, may be good but amps are where they shine.

I'll bite...I do not have these, I have a McIntosh integrated though that I love.  I'm sure these sound amazing with the right components.

Just because an amp is powerful does not mean that it is going to sound good in any particular loudspeaker.