Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
LOL..W, if you liked everything but the bass wasn't low enough, then you could easily get two Vandy subs to pair with the Treo's. YES, this WILL give you sub terrainian bass and of high quality. It will also help the Treo's a bit, but it will really be a nice thing for your amp as it won't have to work as hard, plus the way Richard does the bass amps, they will have the same sound signature of your amp. That's the part I personally like the best.

Again, you are giving them a try. I just don't know of a lot of speakers in this class that will give you full range sound with the subtle qualities that make properly set up Vandy's special. as we all know, getting great bass does cost a few dollars. Please keep us posted on your quest. The great dealers like Randy, Bruce in SD and Johnny in NJ all have other speakers they offer to folks who don't love a specific brand. You should also call Richard. I promise you that he'll be up front and brutally honest about how to get the most bass out of Treo's and he'll be the one who can tell you what you would get with a pair of his subs. Good luck and keep us posted please
I don't think it's a question of bass quantity, but of quality. If the OP doesn't care for this aspect, well that's that. No matter how much you wish it so, not everyone is going to like the Treos.

Thanks for your response Shakey. If you read my resonses in this thread you know that I have said it may not be for him, so not sure where you get your post from. He said that it was both quality and quantity, so your statement doen't make sense to me. Someone mentioned using Vandy subs and I finished my post with a response to the question that was asked. Since you have proven in any thread on Vandy's that you don't know much about them, I'll say it again, using the subs with them allows them to play in the 20's with authority and frees up the Treo's to do what they do best. I personally like the Quatro's much better than using the Treo's with subs, but if you get used Vandy subs or a good deal on them, it's worth it for many who have done this and been very very happy.
I have been using the Treos with a Vandy sub for over a year now. It sounds like all of the things you were missing in the Treo auditions could be corrected with a sub or 2.
If one runs the Treo full range, a sub will not correct what the OP describes.
