Your greatest high end audio purchase!!!

My audiophile journey has extended to over 40 of adventurous sonic delight. Over the coarse of my over 40 year journey as an audiophile, like so my others, I cycled through a multitude of speakers, amps, cables, etc,. Now that I’m an old guy, I’ve pretty much settled on my "End-Game" audio system for the long haul, primarily because I simply love the way it sounds, and also because, at this juncture, I no longer have the will, nor do I have the desire to continue the crazy (but fun) merry-go-round of audio components in and out like I did in years past (my spouse and my wallet thank me). When I look back on all the high-speed audio gear that I’ve owned down through the years, and after giving it much insightful thought, I’ve come to the conclusion that, after everything was said and done, my beloved Revel Salon 2 speakers were my overall most pleasurable and greatest purchase of all. What was yours?


Like many of you my journey started years and years ago in the early 70's.  It was a hobby started by my father and continued by me.   The biggest improvement in sound as a result of a purchase that I can remember was adding a McIntosh C27 preamplifier to the pre-out jacks of a Marantz 2325 receiver.  At the time, I was using AR3a speakers and with the addition of the Mac, sound just seemed to jump out of the AR's in a way that was so fresh and clean (circa 1979).  Not sure how many audio purchases I've had since then, likely +40 or so, but nothing has made that big of an impact, all at once, that I can remember.          

Without a doubt, my wife’s wedding ring. She "allowed" me to keep my hand-built 6’-4" Alpine white speakers in "her" Living Room, and a revolving door of boxes, cables, blinking lights and things that made (mostly good) noises.. Just to demostrate how much she loves me, she gave me permission to relocate her framed, signed musical score by Barry Manilow. It was positioned at an an early reflection point in the room and degraded the sound quality.

But, I’d say that the most unexpected, impactful component I ever audtioned in my home in "later life" was a Sutherland phono stage. I had no idea until that day just how much music was being left out of those cheap and/or internal phono stages.

My vinyl rig --  VPI TNT HRX fitted with a Graham Phantom arm mounting a Koetsu Rosewood Signature cartridge with a custom Gingko dustcover.  Feeds a Manley Steelhead phono preamp.

No question: My Acoustat 1+1s and added later, RHLabs sub. They and my pop's hand me down Linn LP12 are the only constants in my system since '84. Amps and preamps have come and gone but those panels still make me smile after all this time.

Happy listening.