How can you not have multichannel system

I just finished listening to Allman Bros 'Live at the Fillmore East" on SACD, and cannot believe the 2-channel 'Luddites' who have shunned multichannel sound. They probably shun fuel injected engines as well. Oh well, their loss, but Kal has it right.
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Lennon has now moved ahead of McCartney as my favorite Beatle. I always knew he was the smart one.

I think the other Lenin was a Stereo guy and Stalin a multichannel guy.

Hemingway=Stereo, Steinbeck=Multichannel.
I'm with you on your writer selections. Philip Roth would be a multichannel type.
Mig007, now we have an arguement!! After a cursory reading of "Porney's Complaint" the partisan reader would of course come to the conclusion that Roth is a multichannel guy. But with an in-depth examination of "American Pastoral" his dedication to Stereo because tranparent.

Gabrial Garcia Marquez is of course multichannel.
Gabrial Garcia Marquez multi?

no way - that man is passionate and has a hard time telling myth from reality - two channel and analog all the way