@deKay - LMAO
@yoyoyaya - Love the handle!
@OP - Look at your speakers as a musical instrument. They will sound different in every environment. Most houses are not built for good sound reproduction from our systems. You have to tailor a system for each room.
I LOVE my Dynaudio’s. The same exact setup sounds amazing in one room in the house…. But… when I take the same system and put that in my bedroom it sounds awful.
So, point is that stats don’t mean all that much. Speakers, like instruments, are personal preference and no amount of statistics should sway you away from your ears.
Just like a guitarist seeks ‘their sound’ (or voicing) you will do the same thing with you speakers.
Most of this I am sure you already know as I am not revealing any great secret knowledge as this has all been repeated ad nauseam.