Psychoacoustics sound goes to the ears... a tuning forks you hear for example...
Vibroacoustic sounds goes through the body... A tuning fork directly applied to a body part...
Healing processing sounds = some frequencies + intention of those who give or produce the sound and intention of those who receive it ...
I resume some important Jonathan Goldman points ...
"Music and sound are the carrier of our consciousness."
" Love is not a frequency but a consciousness that can be encoded in any sound"
"Everything is frequency yes, but no one respond to the same set of frequencies the same way as some % are allergic to penincillin which for others will be a healing drug (with his frequencies) ."
" In basically most cosmologies, sound precede light (sonoluminescence) in the beginning was the word, the verb, the logos"
"a long tradition link vocalization and visualization with manifestation"
We must remember here that studying "the structures of the anthropological imagination " by Gilbert Durand , he demonstrated how ALL SYMBOLS are classified and classifiable as externalization of the human metabolism and reflex systems and morphologies... No symbols inherited from the past escape this grounding roots in the body ...
Healing sounds or helping sounds can be any sounds that the individual need at this time , in his actual state in some circonstance...
Than even if healing or relaxation sounds are not about tastes , "tastes" there is and specific needs must be answered too ...
Even heavy metal can be for someone at some time healing ...Even if it is not for everyone and at all time...
At the end "silence is the yin to the yang of sound" .
Silence is the ocean of all sounds when they goes together and wait for the new sound to be born.
"silent" is an anagram of the word "listen" ....