What a great list. The sorting ability is huge. Thank you. with a little publicity, some work to make it more complete, you can monitize it and do pretty well I would think.
The suggestion to add ratings has been made and is a double edged sword. It will cause tremendous controversy and lots of work for you. O’TOH, if you monitize it ratings will gather a lot of clicks. If you crowdsource ratings you will get positives from owners (almost always) and negatives from sour grapers and trolls....there will be a tremendouse amount of work policing and managing arguments.
Maybe you’ve made some omissions, and maybe this isn’t the area you focus on, but this list shows how few good speakers there are for the SET crowd, i.e., sensitivity of 95 and above.
Thans for your work and best of luck however you move forward. I have bookmarked the page.