750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference

I finally plunged into the source is as important as the DAC belief that is quite prevalent here and decided to test out Aurender N200. And given I have a very highend DAC, thought if the N200 pans out I would go for the N20 or N30.


I was expecting the N200 to blow away my Intel NUC which is 10th gen, core i7, 8GB and running Roon Rock BUT I am switching back and forth between USB playing the Roon Rock, and Co-axial playing Aurender N200, and I don't hear much of a difference maybe a hair, or not even that.


A few caveats: 1) Roon Rock is playing Quboz, N200 is playing Tidal (I am unable to get Qobuz login to the N200 for reason I don't understand).

2) I am comparing Coaxial on N200, USB on Roon Rock.

Caveat #2 can be ignored because I don't hear a difference between Coaxial and USB output of N200.


So either this is an "Emperor has no clothes" moment or I am missing something big. Any thoughts on what I might be missing before I send this N200 back to the dealer on Monday.


Rest of my system: Nagra TUBE DAC -> Accuphase E-650 -> Devore O96 and all Acoustic Revive wiring. 


The power supplies mean a lot ,do you hav3 a good linear-power supply supply on the nuk ?  Why not try a innuos Streamer they have a mini ,and a separate LPS 

great interface , and to be fair play tital on both units ,foron some music QObuz 

has better recordings.

I see five types on these forums:

1) Audiophiles, hobbyists. These are enthusiasts who love sharing their equipment, experiences, what they have learned, and hearing about other’s experiences and equipment.

2). The Cynics.  Those who love poking at the number 1’s with derision and calling to doubt any claims of high fidelity.

3) Self appointed experts.  They make claims in defiance of the experiences of the number 1’s based on their own beliefs and work background in IT, Electronics, fast food preparation, etc.

4). The ASR crowd.  This group believes if it can’t be measured with a FFT Analyzer, then it doesn’t exist.  They claim to use “science” to come to their misguided conclusions ignoring reality.

5) Those who lurk in the shadows.  They read these forums but never post a comment.  Creepy.

Let’s start with the musicians.  Why would a musician choose to sacrifice to buy a multi-thousands of dollars instrument over a basic instrument costing hundreds of dollars.  They do it for the better sound and the pleasure it gives them making music with that instrument.  If someone else hears the difference or not is inconsequential.

Tony…these categories are the foundation of all internet forums…be it audio, cars, photo gear, motorcycles, guns, etc.

that’s how it is. But I do think you missed one category. 🧌 must feel left out…

Accidentally fell on this thread. I have a fanless NUC i7 8th gen with an MSB Discrete DAC with renderer module and wondering if getting an Antipodes K22. Now I have doubts….

@ricco275 I wouldn't.  I remember reading a John Atkinson review of an upper tier Innuos server, in which he stated that the Innous sounded excellent, but not considerably better than a far less costly Roon Nucleus + server he had reviews previously.