Outdated CD player

After 15 or so years of not listening to my system I am now getting back into it. Made some big changes to my analog section and now I am evaluating my digital front end. I have a MacIntosh MCD 7007 that I bought new in 1990. I never remember it giving me an ounce of trouble and sounds OK to me. My question is, never listening to any other player, am I missing all the latest technologies? Will a newer unit make a big difference in sound? I was informed back when I bought it that this unit was built like a tank. Any suggestions? If a new unit is suggested, what would be recommended in the $1000.00 range, used?
are there players marginally better? yes...but if it's still playing as well as ever, there is no need to ditch it. it is comparable in quality to several other mac front ends which i've owned, and has a very 'natural' sound.
your mac is good but newer players will be significantly better. Look at Naim, Arcam, Rega, used in your price range.
keep the player and buy a newer dac. thats were most of the improvements have been.
The view has been advanced recently on the HIFICRITIC forum that , by and large, CD technology has slid back since the early 90s. The best is undoubtably better but the average player is probably worse and even very expensive current players are not necessarily better. My own experience, having a good DAC from the early 90s and one from 2003 tends to support this, different but no clear winner. Their tests of current budget and mid market [$2000-3000] players has been largely disappointing. They attribute it to the adaptation of technology that is cheaper and measures better but sounds worse. This may be the reason for the success of tube DACs with worse measured performance but better sound. I would hold on to yours as I am not sure that you would get a better sound in your budget range. In any case I would try to make a direct comparison and see what you hear, if you know what I mean. Check out their web site for a spirited discussion pro and con.
I agree with keeping the player as a transport and buying a new dac, Bel Canto, MHDT, TADAC, Benchmark, move up in price for the Bryston or new Cary Audio that is coming out.

Huge improvement. In fact move your digital music to a server and run it through the DAC. Unless they are SACD, I find that just as good or better in most cases.