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Revel Salon2s: Seeking Advice
There's a closeout on new Revel Salon2s locally and it's a speaker that's always intrigued me and been widely praised for characteristics I like in a speaker (detail, neutrality, punches above its weight, good midrange and bottom end). My concern is if it would be a lateral move based on my current speakers so I wanted to ask your opinions.
Current setup: Focal Kanta 3s, Parasound JC5, Pass Labs xp22, Denafrips T+, Lumin U1 + X1 PSU, great cabling, dedicated 20amp circuits, etc.
Any thoughts on if I should look into the Revels further versus what I currently have? Tangentially I have also considered trying tube pres but consider speakers as the foundation of the system and don't want to pass up this up unnecessarily. TIA!
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You'd have to listen to the Salons (driven correctly) - all you'll get here is subjective opinion... Here's mine based on previous experience: you'll probably find that the Kanta have more pronounced highs than the Salons (Kanta are designed to be flat from one end to the other, the Salons' FR are designed to drop a bit from bass to high frequencies). Both speakers measure quite well by the way and sound like they do. |
The Salons when properly driven would be considered by most as an upgrade over your Kantas, but keep in mind their relatively low sensitivity. The designer of the Salons recommends driving them with an amp of 500 watts and while you can get away with less than that they do thrive on high power/current. |