Good Speakers for Rock and Roll Under 15K

I have nice speakers for acoustics, jazz, vocals, etc. but are not great for rock and roll.  Would welcome any recommendations for speakers that do a great job with classic rock and roll.  I will add some components in my system that might influence thinking:

New Audio Frontiers Tube Preamp, New Audio Frontiers 845 Tube Power Amp, Lampizator Atlantic DAC, Innuos Zenith Streamer, Tchernov cables.


Any tech dude in the manufacturing space seems to think he knows everything there is to know about music (anything he doesn’t know is all one big myth!). Why don’t you have a seat someday and talk to guys like Levinson (too late for the late Schweikert) who actually understands instruments/music? You may gather more insight.

@deep_333 Yeah, I play string bass and keyboards- played in orchestras, jazz and folk bands, recorded my own albums, mastered LPs on my LP mastering system and recorded/produced other's recordings. I’ve got 4 patents so far, been making amps and preamps that get good reviews and awards in the high end press for the last 45 years. I’m one of those guys ’like Levinson’. I don’t usually talk this way, but you seemed to need to hear it.

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@deep_333 ​​​​@atmasphere 

Ralph, all that I can say is you are the best, and it took a putz like deep333 to make you even come close to bragging, which you have every right to do, but you never do. He picked the wrong target this time!

 Can you measure dynamics and punch of a speaker? I have no idea. I pretty much just know what a flat frequency response looks like on a graph and know that 5 out of 5 will all sound different with similar responses IME. My Tad S-1Ex sucked with most rock metal. They have a similarly flat frequency response as my Focals. The Pioneers have very little punch and comparatively suck for rock against the Focals. Play some acoustic  Clapton or similar and the baby Tads sound amazing! I would argue the Focals still have more life but not quite the depth. 

Guess I’m saying the Pioneers didn’t show a mid bass dipping the graphs but they sure as hell didn’t have any rhythm in that arena. The Focals rock out with the best of them IMO of course using many different amplifiers and front ends.