shy about prices

I assume a lot of you are in the industry and maybe you can answer this: why is it so hard or impossible to get pricing info for speakers?

I received a lot of suggestions for my speaker list to include more brands and I tried. I lookup up the company homepage, I searched for pricelists, however out of date, I emailed the company - nothing. Why are companies "hiding" the prices of their products they intend to sell?

This is not a generalization, I don’t mean to conflate companies with user-friendly and informative web sites (~30%) with the mystery ones (~20%). And the rest (~50%) are OK/could be better.


I find speaker prices by looking for online reviews or just asking google.

@curiousjim still, at some point, the prices should be revealed :)

It’s not LIKE car sales, right?

Buying good speakers is not like going to the moon...

The difference between speakers good design and price is certainly not linear...

The room where they will be installed matter more most of the times than their price differences...

And simply revealing price at first sight is not a good marketing practice , the only exception will be in the case of  extraordinary S.Q. design for relatively low price...Then you can trumpet the price...

 In general you must interest the future buyer first with marketing information and price must be written in another page or only on some dealer at the end of all explanation...😁


@mahgister I know nothing about marketing. But I know that as a consumer, I prefer to know the price before learning too much about a product.

Understanding marketing is easy.

It's all about convincing people to buy things they don't need...