Upgraded my cables and they transformed my system!!!

My old cables were, and my new cables are a mix of three or four different brands of cables that synergized beautifully together to produce an outstanding sound in my system. Recently, I felt that there was room for improvement in my audio system’s cabling, so I decided it was time to upgrade. I’m still in love with my old superb speaker cables (Revel Salon 2 speakers), (JPS Labs Superconductor 3 speaker cables), and my incredible ethernet cables (Shunyata Sigma), so I felt no need to replace them. Here’s a list of the upgrades that I made:

Ayre Acoustc QX-5 Twenty DAC: Old cable= ATC, 2M, power cable (excellent for digital exclusively). Replaced with= JPS Labs Aluminata 1.5M power cable (transformational).

Hegel H590 Integrated Amp: Old cable= Audioquest Tornado power cable, High Current, 15A, 1 meter. Replaced with= Audioquest Hurricane, High Current, 1M, 15A

Audioquest Niagara 3000 Power Conditioner: Old cable= Audioquest Thunder power cable, High Current, 15A, 2M. Replaced with= Audioquest Hurricane, High Current, 15A, 2M.

Interconnects: Old cable= Audioquest Earth, 1M, XLR. Replaced with= Audioquest Pegasus, 1M, XLR (transformational).

Note: My budget limit was $1500 or less for each cable (new or used), which I achieved.


I'm not one of our more well-heeled audiophiles, and the $1500 or below (new or used) for each cable was the absolute limit to my financial capabilities for my new cables.  However, at the $1500 or below price point for a new or used power cord or pair of interconnects, you can purchase a level of quality which, IMHO, is so incredibly high with such a high level of proficiency, one would have to question the necessity to spend more.    

With the new cables in place, the sound quality of my system, which sounded simply outstanding before the upgrades, has been improved dramatically by leaps and bounds, and my new interconnects are not even close to being fully broken-in yet!!! Of course, I expected this kind of improvement in sound quality once the new cables were installed, and the improvement will continue to get better and better over time as the interconnects continue to further burn-in. Now, I should be good to go for the foreseeable future.

For those of you who still persist in believing that non-stock, upgraded, aftermarket cabling is "Snake-oil"...............you have no idea.

Happy listening



Score another point for the placebo effect. But hey, it's your money. Whatever works.

This thread illustrates one thing........ that we all have biases and hubris when it comes to sound.  It's what keeps this site alive.

Slight correction @larryh111 . It keeps the hobby alive

Score another point for the placebo effect. But hey, it's your money. Whatever works.

Like saying the above worked for you!

Audio cables: Reduce the bias?

Expectation bias , if any, can work both ways.

If you don’t hear the differences and improvements , and/or you don’t think the differences are worth the $$ to you just don’t go there….EZ-PZ. Charts and graphs and the like be damned.

A frequent offering of audio pundits claiming audio listening bias (especially cables…) runs along the lines of: “ ….. Nah, it didn’t happen . You “wanted” to hear an improvement and so you did…”

I am not so cynical that I think there are a bunch of small, dedicated, and hard working audio shops keeping the doors open based on a business model of selling "snake oil" cables to foolish audio enthusiasts. I am interested though in knowing how a piece of 14 gauge cheapest crap wire from a hardware store could deliver the same performance quality as even a decent grade speaker cable.

simply put, Have you ever seen the audio expo exhibitors doing this? It would be a helluva marketing ad to preach “save money cuz we sound superior with the cheapest made in China crap cable shite available.”

Trust your own ears and just simply cull the noise, especially the written 3rd party rhetoric.

Clearly, I don’t think anyone is trying to say all audio options including cables will make a positive impression difference - that’s as outright as stupid as those saying none will.

It’s about quality and value, for the performance they offer. The educated customer will be skeptical and pick what’s best for them within their specific system and expectations. And hopefully, they have the opportunity for an extended, no-obligation demo as these things are subjective to bespoke systems.

Some people have much higher build and much higher resolution associated equipment with the capabilities to properly flesh out the sonic differences. The relationship between amp, speaker, crossovers, and the cable that ties it all together is not necessarily a simple one distilled down to “just make it a (insert qualifiers) test”

Just like how some may want to hear a positive change, others already have their minds made up that cables make no difference. And those people usually haven’t arrived at that conclusion after a thorough and careful comparisons that incorporate key factors below.I’ve test driven (too) many different cables over the years , and a couple of core tenets present themselves.


There are no one-size-fits-all rules here …it’s a bespoke hands-on audition experience project. Resist all the “ expensive is always better “ expectations in certain marketing hyperbole…. AND SIMILARLY…. ignore and tune out the polar opposite “cables don’t matter and I’m fine with a race to the bottom for cheap as I can find it “ noise and mantra .

(1) Price-point strata in isolation is no prediction, much less assurance , of cable build improvements…. nor any assurance of its audio performance improvement…. Full stop.

(2) They DO sound different and their audio performance appeal - or not - are entirely system dependent . First and foremost, thei cables differences and audio improvements are distinct and unambiguous when you pair them up with advanced transparencies and resolutions in high-end systems. BUT ….Conversely …. Minimal to meh? in comparatively more modest and less revealing / budget systems. They are key in my $50K system , but nominal to proportionally less in my other three 2-channel systems ranging from $1200 to $6K

(3) There is another wild card - Two identical systems can - and frequently will - sound very different in two different listening arena because of the bespoke room acoustics warts and compromises that are present in each. This too impacts any and all “blind” listening tests and any related “bias”.

(4) Some people have better hearing than others. Aging does not help.

choose wisely.

“There are three sides to every story: my side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently.”

— Robert Evans


This hobby is extremely multifaceted and subjective.  This is understood.  And, when it comes to one putting a system together, of coarse, one puts together a  system that they find pleasing to their own ears.  However, I find it extremely comical when, after all these years of research, evidence and testimony, one still chooses to stubbornly deceive themselves into believing that upgraded, aftermarket cabling is a farce or a placebo.  These people, I find quite laughable and ludicrous in their denial, or, more likely, their neglect in experimenting with cabling for themselves.  I honestly don't believe that most of the aftermarket cable naysayers really believe that aftermarket cables don't improve sound quality.  They're just too cheap to spend the extra cash, so they settle out.  But, honestly.......I could care less.