Acoustic Zen Adagio: How far from the wall?

I am looking for information from owners of the Acoustic Zen Adagio. I believe the manual mentions a speaker to front wall distance of at least 20 inches, but I would like to hear real world experiences from those who are getting great soundstaging with these speakers.

I got mine 34 inches from back wall...wouldnt mind another 2,room fireplace wont allow it though.about6 3/4's feet apart.32 from side wall(24 by 13.5 rm).Im curious about amps people are using with great success?using sim i3 now,equinox player.Getting itchy(dam bugs).
Using my Adagio's with Musical Fidelity KW-500 integrated.
Very nice match. Smooth and articulate. Will play compression free at levels much higher than needed.

Hard up against the wall, slight toe in and 8’ from each other- this really helped bass projection and extension in my small listening room. Bass quality was not compromised at all. In fact much better. Also using adjustable outriggers I have a slight backwards tilt that tones down the midrange and top end a bit.