I want to replace the router/modem Comcast with a high quality for streaming

I wish to purchase a modem/ router for streaming high quality audio. Any suggestions? It must be compatible with Comcast/Xfinity


OK.  I just pulled the trigger on a Netgear Nighthawk.  Docsis 3.1 and 2 gigabyte internet ports.  I see some modems that can handle higher speeds up to 2.5GB but in my neighborhood service seems to max at 350MB/sec.  The tech mentioned that they would have to pull fiber before they can go faster than that.  It is difficult to upgrade in my neighborhood as everything is underground. Looks much better but not easy to modify.

One thing that I did make sure my new modem has is 2 ports.  The Spectrum (Comcast) modem only has one port so my cable to my audio system has to plug into my router.  Now the audio system will plug directly into the modem.

It will be here this afternoon.  Wish me luck.


@carlsbad2 said:

There may be other options but this thread is about modems.  

That snarky remark was inappropriate and obtuse.  I  have ventured down the road of a better and new Modem, and like others, stayed with (in my situation) a Verizon 1G modem with a linear power supply.  The Switch X acts as a SECOND MODEM creation a network in your home completely separate from you provider network.  It is this  CLEAN NETWORK which improves the sound by eliminating all your home network traffic (significant unless you have 0 devices in your home).  This approach form me has clearly improved the sound, better than adding any other switch I have tried after the heretofore discussed modems.  So anyone considering buying an expensive modem to replace their Verizon or Comcast modem should consider this.


"Copy the "no difference in SQ"

You are free to spend like there is no tomorrow"

Well my Verizon G100 modem was FREE, and my system does sound better with the Switch X.  I can easily hear it.  That makes a difference.  Enjoy the music.



@lalitk , +1 on the LinkUp 22g cat 8 cable.  I had initially run Supra cat 8 (my runs are about 40 feet) and the LinkUp is better.  I got this from you a bit ago, thanks!

Reasonable cost also from Amazon.




Hi @carlsbad2 ,  I will retract 'snarky'!  Would love to hear a Lampi DAC like yours in my system.  I see we both share the Grimm.  Have you seen GTT's  internal MU1 modification  with a new Realization ethernet cable?  Bill states it is an easily heard upgrade.  I have done it with another cable (and it is easy to hear), but my KS is coming.  I think any good ethernet cable inside the Grimm vs the generic one is an upgrade.  It plugs in at both ends with a standard ethernet plug, and is either 13" or shorter depending upon the MU1 version.  I have learned that it is THE LAST cable before your streamer that matters the most.  So no matter what cable (or filter) employed prior to the Grimm, the internal stock cable degrades it.