shy about prices

I assume a lot of you are in the industry and maybe you can answer this: why is it so hard or impossible to get pricing info for speakers?

I received a lot of suggestions for my speaker list to include more brands and I tried. I lookup up the company homepage, I searched for pricelists, however out of date, I emailed the company - nothing. Why are companies "hiding" the prices of their products they intend to sell?

This is not a generalization, I don’t mean to conflate companies with user-friendly and informative web sites (~30%) with the mystery ones (~20%). And the rest (~50%) are OK/could be better.


thanks @mlsstl sure sounds like a unique market that most people are not knowledgeable about

Don’t some manufacturers restrict advertising pricing? I thought that was part of some agreements relating to authorized dealership, which is tied to the ability to enforce warranties. It may be obsolete in the internet age, but I always looked at it as part of territories in a sense.

my attempt to lookup 500 or so speakers

It sounds more like you just broke the Internet! How long would it take to really audition 500 speakers?

Anyway, I’ve never had much trouble finding the actual price of any components with some googling and if you’re really interested there is always the phone call.

Oh, and try price comparison shopping for mattresses...

Having taken marketing in graduate school I have a very different take on marketing. It is to emphasize the positive attributes and get the consumers attention through all the other produces. Many people like me would not consider exaggerating or manufacturing false attributes. But clearly there are others with less altruistic motives. But good companies do not exaggerate or fake attributes.