Just a quick follow-up. I think this comparison between the Orchid and the Pagoda that might be of interest to others.
For the last week I've had the opportunity to listen to a Pagoda (non-balanced version) in my system and compare it to my Orchid.
I find the descriptions available here and elsewhere on the internet to be accurate. Both DACs excel at musicality. The Pagoda provides more detail, but not in an annoying way.
Here are a couple of attempts at describing what I hear.
Through the Orchid, pianos tend to sound like big Steinways or Bosendorfers. Through the Pagoda they sound like they could be top-of -the-line Yamahas or Baldwins. Which is more accurate? I don't know.
I'd describe the Orchid as more ballsy, funkier. Meatier on the bass, upper bass, lower midrange and midrange.
The Pagoda is a little tighter in the bass and has a lot more resolution in the treble.
The Orchid has more body, when it comes to the cello.
The Pagoda has more bow sound.
I hope that makes sense.
I could live with either.
I do think the treble of the Pagoda requires a compatible interconnect. Otherwise the treble can come across a little shrill.
This is my experience in my system. YMMV.