Dear jji666, you miss the point about catching chickens. Here is the point: You can talk about how best to catch a chicken but until you have experience catching chickens, what you have to say is mostly meaningless.
The First Rule of Audio: Your system sounds great, until you hear a better system.
If you truly love audio, stop postulating, get out there and hear some good hifi systems and some hifi streamers/servers for yourself. You might or might not hear a difference. That’s ok. It’s a personal matter. Music, like all art is personal.
The issue that one person can hear something that another doesn’t is much much deeper than confirmational bias. That’s merely a cop out for the ASR crowd. Many factors come into play beyond the listener variable. A good example was what happened last week to me. I found a song on Qobuz that had some bad microphone clipping. Sounds like crackling noise. I have a very high resolution system. The noise was like a slap in the face. I texted my cousin to try that track on his stereo. The track sounded fine to him. I played the track on my iPhone with headphones and I played it in the car. I could not detect the mic clipping at all in either case. I bought the CD. The CD plays cleaner than the Qobuz version but the clipping is still there- just not as bad. I ripped the CD to FLAC and the same thing. But on the Roon app I can see that the recording levels are maxed out. That’s one of the downsides to a high resolution system.