Fleetwood Deville vs Wilson Sound

Both are great speakers. I was always curious about Wilson speakers especially because some people really hate on them.

Anyone compare the Fleetwood Deville vs Wilson Sasha Tier?

How would you describe the differences in own words?

The Devilles make female vocals sound quite stunning, and am unsure if I would like that "crisp clear hifi" sound that Wilsons have.



Not sure why it’s surprising to you that a top notch speaker requires world class electronics.


This is another big myth, a lie propagated by certain manufacturers.

Here are some examples.

I used to have the TAD Reference from A.Jones, currently have the E1TX. Put either of them on a 800 dollar dac or a 3000 dollar amp, they sound freaking excellent. Put it on a 15k dac and a 40k amp, they scale up like a mofo and sound mind boggling. My buddy has the big Raidho --->similar story, sounds phenomenal on all kinds of electronics at high and low price points...Some of the big JBL synthesis line i used to own --->same story.....Borresen --> similar story....evens some Magicos do just fine...

But, a Wilson...."Oh no,,,it only sounds awful because it’s you...it’s all your fault, never the manufacturer’s fault! ...it’s all the awful electronics you tied to it. You just didn’t spend enough to make the best come out of it (2 minutes before midnight the day before the solar eclipse!)", says the manufacturer and his dealer....

Translation---> it’s the electronics that carries them all day long, no miracle of the speaker.

Like i said earlier, i can put certain serious electronics in front of anything and sweet melodies will come out of it.

Like i said earlier, we can agree to disagree.


Have you had nails for breakfast? You just can’t seem to be able to cool it. I haven’t seen this much hate pouring out of anyone in a while. You’re like an energizer bunny. Chillax. None of this is healthy. I get it…you really dislike Wilson Audio. It’s fine. 

I find the Wilson towers all very analytical. Almost Teutonic. Cold may be a bit strong but definitely not warm. Recently I listened to a set of Alexx Vs driven by  Burmister mono blocks and preamp. The front end was digital- Aurender. I listened to Brothers In Arms by Dire Straights. It almost snowed in the listening room! It was NOT what I thought $350,000 in gear should deliver. 

The Raidho and Borrenson are very accurate but not musical.  I found Magicos kind of plain and boring.  I expected more from the TADs based on all the hype.  The Vandersteen Seven XTRM sound good.  I also really like the Acora speakers.  If I had an Acora dealer within a reasonable distance I might have given them more consideration.  Heard a pair of horn speakers by Volti Audio in Tennessee.  Excellent sounding speakers that drew me into the music.  They required some very expensive SET amps to sound their best.

I find Wilson speakers to be excellent performers for several types of music.  Set-up of the speakers is critical to get the best sound.  Those who are obsessed about the dollars might be better served watching for a sale at Best Buy.