Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ?

I never heard his amps, but some writers say just that - nothing transistor sounds better.
What do you think ? 
I listened on youtube a few systems with D'Agostino amps and preamps and liked a lot what I heard.



I'm quite pleased with my Pass gear. I have no calling on driving a .9 ohm load and I suspect neither do most folks. Mosfet mist? a term i've not heard in eons, yet in any event, I don't have any mosfet mist- 

However, Pass certainly isn't for everyone and all I can say Pass amps are among the better amps around (and not mid-fi as has been recently suggested by a frequent youtube creator). 

My iPhone amp paired with my YouTube pre-amp is the best combo / sound I’ve ever heard!  So glad I found this thread.

Has anyone ever thought about building your gear around the actual (type) music you listen to? Just food for thought...Rob


Absolutely, a system should be built around the type of music one listens to.  Think about those "brute strength" demos that really high end hifi stores often do for their customers....I'm thinking $500k variety systems!  The music they typically use has techno roots, driven almost entirely by synthesized sounds and samples with an over abundance of deep very tight bass.  DOES ANYBODY actually listen to such tracks in their home systems?

Listen to "Make Us Stronger" by Ghost Rider (at 115db !!!)....are these hifi stores serious?