Newer Blues Artists or Recordings

Any suggestions for new’ish blues artists and/or recordings you have discovered and enjoyed over the past few years? Please include all types of blues music and artists - traditional blues, southern rock/blues (e.g., Allman Bros., etc.), blues/soul, slower blues (i.e., good for background music while working), and cross-overs such as blues recordings by well-known rock or popular artists such as Boz Scaggs, Robin Trower, Eric Clapton, and others. Let’s help each other discover new blues music.

I will start with a couple of newer, young artists that I enjoy...

  • Marcus King (try, Carolina Confessions or El Dorado)
  • Christone "Kingfish" Ingram (try, Live in London)

I second Ana Popovic.  Try these:

-- Joanne Shaw Taylor

-- Sugar Ray Norcia

-- Ruthie Foster

-- Joanna Connor

Now I gotta go.  A dozen new names for me to find.

Thanks, everyone.



    There's a special blues guitar technique I really like...I saw Dicky Betts in the Allman Bros, in concert at William & Mary, Va. playing In Memory of Elizabeth Reed...uses right hand little finger to control the volume knob to make the instrument "weep".  Master of the skill: Roy Bucananan...Roy's albums are a mixed bag but one favorite is "Miss Pressure" off his Deluxe album.  Some great recommendations on the thread here!

Jeff Beck was a Master at using his little finger to control the volume control.....his cover of "A Day in The Life" is one of the best blues works I've ever heard.

@rick_n - Blackberry Smoke & Gov't Mule are really more southern rock but do the blues/rock thing as well as anyone. Have seen BS 3x at House of Blues in Boston - great shows. Try out JJ Grey & MoFro too for some FL swampy blues/rock. I'm a big fan of 60s Brit Blues as well. I like some of the newer acts mentioned but really, if you like that slinky bluesy vibe from accross th pond, Free, Humble Pie, Rory Gallager (Taste), Blind Faith, Savory Brown, Faces & Small Faces, Spencer Davis Group, even Bad Co, etc are great listens and I've been on the Hans Theessink tip for a while. Try Derrin Nauendorf too. Just my opinion...

Joe Bonamassa

Carolyn Wonderland

Joanne Shaw Taylor

Samantha Fish

Shannon Curfman