Yamamoto YDA 01 DAC

Is there any Agoner have this Yamamoto dac and could share his comments on how its sound?
I have to say Metrum was quick to respond to my query. Cees said he would give it priority to get it sorted and send it back to me ASAP.
You`re welcome. No component will satisfy everyone, I hope the Octave works out for you as it has for me.
Best Regards,
I must confess that I canceled my order for the Metrum. I hadn't paid, nor had Cees mailed out my invoice yet. So no harm done. He was very nice about it.

A friend of mine whose ears I trust, and whose system I have spent many an hour listening to, told me he had the Metrum in his rig for about a month....thought it was definitely an overachiever, but prone in his system to displaying just a hint of hardness in the upper mid/lower treble.

This quality is my "white whale" so to speak, and the one thing that would make or break it for me, so without some type of return policy, I had to reluctantly pass on it.

I just couldn't take the plunge.

I ordered the metrum octave in September to be used with a stello u3 after reading all the rave reviews.
Of course I just read the six moons review of the new Eximus dp1 Dac and wonder did I make a mistake. Big price difference of course.
Any insights?