Rogue Audio hard to resell, has it fallen out of favor ?

I've had a Rogue Sphinx 3 listed for a month at what sure looks to be a great price- $899. A few half hearted inquiries who then go dark. The unit is $1600 new. I haven't even gotten any low ball offers- which usually happens with any item I post, its part of the process. Meanwhile I've sold a Pass 250.8, An ARC REF150SE, and two other expensive amps with little trouble. 


Is the low end of the market suffering? Is Rogue falling out of favor ? My listing is at least $100 lower than a similar one and I think they're both priced fairly. I'll keep it rather than list for any lower. 


Any idea of what's going on ? 




The Sphinx got a bad review on a prominent site. Also, I had a number of Rogue components but moved on to pure Class D (Nord) which sounds fantastic. Who needs tube components, hybrids,  massive preamps and amps anymore? But Rogue is a great company and if you like that stuff go for it. 

Oh punkin, I know you’re trying to be cute but spelling is hard. Try removing a couple of the ’i’, maybe one 't'. insert an ’f’. You got this!

OP....Might be that word on the street has it that Taylor Swiiitt bought Travis a Rogue Audio integrated for Christmas....

I'm not a tube guy but I do own the Rogue Metis tube preamp among other things. Nice thing about It is it mutes its circuit until the tubes (6SN7s) stabilizes. It puts out a massive soundstage, a very transparent device, pushes all the right buttons, and compares favorably to my Conrad Johnson.  My only gripe is that there is a bit more bass than I like, but could be circumvented by tube rolling.

Recently I put it up for sale and received several offers and one offer stood out. A guy from Seattle who owns a Winery offered several bottles of his finest wine in trade for the Metis. I declined only because I don't drink. Other offers were for trades as well. My conclusion is that people are harder up for cash which is not surprising given the current economic climate and it's not getting any better.

I plan to round out my small collection of amps with the purchase of the rogue sphinx v3 or maybe a v4 version if/when available. I already own a class A, and a class AB amp, so it would be nice to own a class D with tubes. Plus I think the sphinx looks  bitchin in black! I read HR's review of it, and I have great respect for the man. I've bought several components based on his reviews which include the Hana el and the wharfedale 225's. He's spot on with his reviews and is a humble and honest man. I've even spoke with him on messenger.....

@phd "You will own nothing and be happy" that is their greater plan for all of us.