Fraudulent Retail Websites

I am posting this in a few forums to boost awareness.

Thought I would share with you guys there are at least two fraudulent retail websites peddling high end gear at ridiculous prices.  Unfortunately, one of my customers actually tried to buy something from them and is dealing with the replacement of his credit cards, etc...  These are scams that fit the formula outline here.  


Don't Fall For Fake Shopping Websites - What To Know (


Remember folks, if a deal seems to good to be true, it probably is.  They seem to be scraping the web for any audio product they can find.  Here are the two I have found so far.  I am intentionally not linking to them since it is Fraud.



why not let this go, it is his speaker brand ...

It’s very unusual for a manufacturer to make an accusation of fraud on A’gon. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it happen before. As a manufacturer, I’d think he has recourse other than a public forum. Given that he’s publicly posted the allegation of fraud, it seems fair to ask simple questions, such as if he’s contacted the entity he’s accused.

There are business that I know of that do things that are unethical and I choose not to deal with them.  Unethical or questionable marketing practices are one thing.  If they can’t fulfill an order, they will refund you.  I don’t like it and choose not to do business with them but it is not fraud.  Those folks go unmentioned and standard, buyer beware is appropriate.  

I don’t believe these two sites are actually businesses.  You could have a site up like these with a very small amount of effort. If you look at the extremely poor structure of both of the sites, there was a bulk data upload and they haven’t even gone through the effort  to normalize or fix the menus.  Most of the products are not in the menus and can be found via search.  No legitimate business would be this poor.  Additionally, most of the prices listed are below my cost as the importer and they are not aligned with any manufacturers MAP.  This makes no sense, particularly since the manufacturer would have to sell directly to them at a price that is lower than mine.  That is theoretically possible but it then seems unlikely that the manufacturer would point the site out to me and ask who these people are.  

I am sure the domestic one will be de-platformed within a couple months as a result of chargebacks, etc… Shopify will shut it down . In the interim, it can do a lot of harm.  The international one is a bigger problem.  And if these scammers make money on it, those of us who are not scammers will end up playing whack-a-mole as a never ending list of fraudulent sites will pop up.  


I am not sure why you want to disagree with the OP's assertions, when it is HIS products and HIS website that have been hijacked.

Add in his friends credit card being compromised on the site and I, for one, would like to thank him for trying to do something about it.


So sorry to hear about this. It must be hard on you and your business. While the only thing in the near future that I am looking to buy is a streamer, I will definitely stay away from the two companies that you mentioned.

All the best!