Still Looking for a DAC - Audio Mirror Tubadour v and ANK Audio 5.1

So, folks, after returning the Lab12 DAC Reference due to its incompatibility with my CDP, I’m still looking for one. There are two devices that I’m interested in - Audio Mirror Tubadour V and ANK Audio 5.1 Signature or Professional 

If anyone is familiar with those please do share your thoughts.



I’ll go back to I don’t think your digital cable is doing you favors and would give the AZ MC2 I mentioned above a try as it’s a low-risk proposition with potentially high rewards as digital cables matter a lot.  If that doesn’t do it you might wanna look at upping the game to something at an even higher level from the likes of Lampizator, T&A, etc. as your tastes dictate but that will cost $$$ and why I’m recommending just trying a new cable first.  Best of luck in getting this sorted.

@soix , thanks. I’m now using friend’s Kimber D60, which sounds almost the same.

When you mentioned AZ MC2 cables, did you mean RCA or XLR connections? Interestingly enough they’re both 110 Ohm design, should I ask for 75? I didn’t buy it from the link you provided, because I can get a better deal.

When you mentioned AZ MC2 cables, did you mean RCA or XLR connections? Interestingly enough they’re both 110 Ohm design, should I ask for 75? I didn’t buy it from the link you provided, because I can get a better deal.

That’s a very good and insightful question and glad you asked. Apparently it’s a 110 Ohm cable that they terminate with RCAs. I read up on that and saw mixed opinions as to whether it makes a material difference or not. I honestly didn’t know that when I bought a used RCA version and may have given me pause too if I did, but I’m extremely happy with the my cable and it ain’t going nowhere anytime soon. If there’s a compromise I don’t hear it, but if you can use/get the AES/EBU version I guess it could only get better if anything. Here’s one I’m sure you’ve seen but just in case…

I’ll cut to the chase — this was the single biggest improvement I’ve gotten from any cable ever, and by a good margin, and I don’t say this lightly. If you can get one and try at little/no risk I highly suggest you do so. You’ve probably read the reviews, and they’re pretty spot on in their universal praise and glowing impressions. It’s a somewhat hidden gem IMHO.

Last, I have a Stereovox XV2 that was two generations advanced from the same guy who designed the D60 (Chris Sommovigo). It’s a good cable no doubt, but I actually preferred my budget Apogee Wyde Eye to it and the MC2 is on another planet from that. The XV2 is very detailed but relatively cold and sterile to my ears, so I guess I’m not surprised the D60 sounds similar to your Nordost. By comparison the MC2 injects life, tonal color, and a voluminous soundstage that’s just next level to my ears — no contest. If these seem like things you’re looking for, well, go for it is all I can say. That’s all I got and hope it helps.


Well, folks, I’m keeping this baby. All it needed was a proper break-in time. IMO,10 days of being on (night and day) is enough for the initial impression.

As of now those excessive highs are gone, and even though it doesn’t sound exactly tubey as we probably anticipated, it sounds very musical, great mids and tight bass with both tube and solid state electronics. It definitely has more PRaT than the Lab12 DAC I had a few months ago, and the vocals are more natural, not kinda in-your-face.

All I can say it went through very interesting transformation during these days and I really love the results.

And I still don’t have a new cable, next week I’ll order the Acoustic Zen cable.

Also, Vlad told me to use AES input when listening to CDs.

I have to say if you’re looking for a new DAC, don’t underestimate this device. Honestly it’s very good, and visually appealing, plus there’s an expandable (if needed) return policy, so you have nothing to lose.

Anyway, this is it for now. I know my words mean nothing to many, but it’s an enjoyable piece. Good DAC doesn’t need to have 10 tubes and weigh 50 lbs.

Thanks to everyone for your input.

One more thing - there’s no tube-rolling here. In my case if there’s Chinese 6Z4 rectifier then I’ll replace it with Soviet-made equivalent. The other two tubes don’t have plug’n’play equivalents.