Well, it would stretch your budget a bit, but the Resolution Audio Opus 21 would be a great choice. (Used they run about $2,000+) It is a fantastic cd player. The sound is very close to being like analog, and does not sound very digital. (I usually listen to my turntable, but I don't mind listening to my cd player, as opposed to some that sound too digital to me.) Read all the reviews here and at other web sites, and they all agree that it is a great cd player. And, it has a built-in analog volume control should you wish to use it directly into your amps.
I have compared this unit to cd players costing two and three times more, and it holds it own. (I'll be honest and state that maybe it is not quite as good as some of them, but it is within a hair of being as good as the best of those more expensive players.)
As far as reliability, I have only had one problem in the four or five years I've owned it, and that was caused via rough handling during shipping to me. (A small piece of metal sheilding dislocated inside the unit and it was causing a short.) The cd player comes packaged in a wooden crate and so no real damage could have occured except in extreme circumstances, such as being run over by a truck. And as far as servicing of the unit, Jeff Kalt, owner and designer of Resolution Audio, is a stand up guy. I live about 50 miles south of San Francisco, where R.A. is located, and so I called him up and he said to bring it by and he'd look at the unit. My daughter and I drove up the next week, and he put it on the bench, and fixed it immediately. (He even gave my little daughter a small stuffed animal that he had recieved as a present at an audio show. She still likes that little stuffed elephant with the bell bottom feet!)
If you do a search on the best service provided by manufacturers, Jeff's name comes up every time.
Well, that is my two cents worth.
Good Luck in your search.