What footer best under cd player

Consensus seems to be to put some isolation to replace cdp stock feet.

I have a playback design cd player which has three feet that do not appear removable

Anyone recommend stable cones or some other footer to use on wood platform of top of salamander rack (surface maple wood)

Try Herbie's Audio Lab Isocup with Lampblack Ball and decoupling base upgrade. Using 3 of these under the CDP, I immediately noticed a deep and wider soundstage, bigger 3D images, increased dynamics, smoother and more liquid midrange, focus and transparency improved. Cleaned up parts I didn’t know that could be improved. This inexpensive tweak was well worth its price.
a wise gentlemen, mike vans evers,suggested that since all components have resonance points, it is sensible to consider tuning your system, so that the resulting resonances are pleasing.

thus, coupling or decoupling is not an issue for me.

i prefer soft objects, since hard objects, in my experience,"harden" the sound, and soft objects soften the sound.

there is no perfect solution and one who prefers a highly focused sound would probably prefer hard objects.

wood is interesting. using cocobolo, ebony, maple, or other woods, produce unique results. i have visited a lumber yard and purchased wood blocks comprised of different wood types. it won't cost too much and you might achieve the voicing you desire.
I would keep stock feet and put an isolation platform ginko clound 11 works really well.
Something with a ball that allows movement in all directions. Like Herbies ball and cup.