Better DAC then DA1 module in McIntosh C49 without braking the bank.

I got to the point in my system, when my DA1 DAC module in a McIntosh C49 preamp is the bottleneck. 

In comparison to my vinyl, CDs, files and streaming sounds flat and unremarkable. 

I have an SMSL SU-9 dac but it's worse than the one in Mac.

My system consists of Legacy Audio Focus HD speakers, McIntosh MC352 amp, McIntosh C49 preamp, McIntosh MB20 Bluetooth transceiver, Rotel RCD-1572, pc as a streamer and file player through Foobar2000. CD player is connected to the DAC too though coax.

DAC need to be able to do DSD, have USB, and connect via balanced. 

I like the DAC sound signature to be as natural as possible.



I owned a Bryston BDA-3 and can say that it is a great sounding DAC. A good deal if you can find one on the preowned market. 

Thanks everyone for their input. I got a used Holo Audio May KTE dac. Very happy with it.


If you haven't already, determine from those who have experience with it the best way to connect it, and what format/sample rate it prefers. 

Thought I’ve read Holo DACs are optimized for USB input but definitely worth checking.  Thanks for the follow up, and congrats on the DAC!