Seeking opinions about phono specific interconnects

To start with, I am not in the crowd that opposes using cables as tone controls, so let's let that subject lie dormant (I'm also not in the analytical purist crowd). What I'm interested in here is getting suggestions for a phono cable that might tame an Audio Technica AT-MONO3/LP cartridge without making the sound soft. I find that a Cardas Clear Cygnus phono cable is just too soft sounding. I'll add that I am exceptionally sensitive to higher frequencies due to having Hyperacusis. That sensitivity is the reason for the question.

I suppose that a possible alternative is a different cartridge. Might that be a better solution?

Ag insider logo xs@2xmwh777

IMO, for you, the best solution would be a multi-band equalizer.

I would start with an inexpensive one, if happy with the effect, keep looking for one that fits your system best and perhaps higher quality

If nothing else, you will have learned which frequencies need taming for you, that helps when evaluating models of cartridges/cables/phono stages/any component you might consider in the future. 


Does your preamp have two outputs? Put eq between preamp/amp after riaa eq has occured.

Do you have a tape loop to try an equalizer in/out of circuit?


Phono stage is a Manley Chinook. The existing cart is a high output moving coil (1.2 mv). The recommended load is 400-47,000 ohms. I usually prefer the lowest setting to minimize brightness. A similar example is that for moving magnet carts I usually set the capacitance below the spec. amount, again to reduce brightness. Don't forget that I am very much more sensitive to brightness than nearly all other people.



Your suggestion is a good consideration as a tool for learning purposes. I may just look into the idea.