Ayre QX-5 Twenty

Is there anyone out there that either owns this DAC or has heard it?  What do you think about compared to other DACs at this general price point? Do you have an opinion as to whether DACs that employ chips like the ESS are necessarily inferior to ladder DACs etc? 




What does the Ayer do better that the T+A cannot? I know you have very good experience with various DACs that you mentioned.

Forget about the Ayre. I owned the QX-5 twenty for some years. I liked it.

I decided to sell it and I purchased a MOJO audio DAC.

The MOJO blew the Ayre away. No comparison. The increase in SQ

was astounding.Check out Mojoaudio.com.You will see the multitude of awards.

that Mojo's products have garnered. Give Ben a call. He offers a 30 day audition trial. There's a demo Mystique SE on sale for $5999.


bander - "blew it away" huh?  On that advice, I'm gonna purchase a unit from MojoAudio??....who is this company.  2 men and a dog, in a garage??  A little bit of nepotism going on here?

jymc sorry you're having a bad day. You clearly don't know know about what you speak..

^^ That is one of the weirdest post I’ve ever seen on this site. But looks like lots of bad days in their posting history. Mojo Audio is a fine and known brand around here for many years. Lots of oddness in that one post, even for here.