I Don't Understand What Determines When A Thread Gets The Axe

I've only been a member of Audiogon since 2016 or 2017, so maybe some "old timers" could fill me in.  I don't understand how threads covering "beaten like a dead horse" topics, for example, oh off the top of my head, "Cable Deniers", can carry on for days or weeks, have pages and pages of posts from Members that frankly get quite ugly with name calling and basically Grade School playground behavior...yet the Moderators never say a word or never step in with the, "This Discussion Is Closed" Czar-like ruling.


However, when a Member like, say @verdantaudio, tries to warn us about Fraudulent Retail Websites AND has proof that these sites are ripping people off, along with proof from other Audiogon Members who provide examples of these sites conducting fraudulent business activities, the Discussion is shut down and closed.  WHO decided to close the discussion?  The original poster?  Audiogon?  How do you find out?  Better yet, WHY was a topic as important as Fraud shut down after only 30 posts, some with extremely valuable information such as one member who had done a Whois.com research showing extremely sketchy information and another Member who had information about the state of Kansas Fraud Unit investigating one of the companies.


Is it because a Forum Member kept complaining about the post?  Do the businesses in question advertise on Audiogon?  I'm very curious who makes the decisions on which discussions get shut down and which discussions are allowed to drone on and on with behavior and comments that people would NEVER have the guts to say to one another face to face.  I've truly wondered this ever since I joined this fantastic audio community -- a place where I've learned more in 7 years than I had learned in the previous 35 years!


I must say I wasn't at all surprised when I saw the discussion had been closed.  After all, a Member had made this cryptic post  -- "My guess is this thread won't last."  Let's see how long this one does (before it gets zapped, I'd sure like to know the outcome of the Kansas fraud unit that is investigating the company). 


Slow down and enjoy the music...


You want active moderation?  Try Roon's forum.  They have a huge number of moderators who appear to move posts into different threads constantly.  It's super confusing because they'll move a post out and start a new thread with it when the poster had no intention of starting a thread, and then the poster gets grief for starting the thread.

That's not to say the mods don't perform a valuable service, but there is such a thing as over moderation.  The difference with Roon is that the forum software is much more sophisticated and can help you retrace steps and see what happened.  The Audiogon forum does feel more basic in its function. 

@cleeds -- Thank you for explaining the details regarding how to contact the Admin on this site.  It is possible that the times I used the "Contact Us" feature, Audiogon's reply may have gone into my Spam Folder.  I am fairly religious about checking my personal email Spam and Junk Mail Folders (I owned a business for 30 years so I checked them several times a day which led to doing the same with my personal accounts), but anything is possible.  Again, thanks for the heads up.


We will just have to agree to disagree about the OP's language in his thread.  I thought he and the others that were familiar with these companies provided damning evidence to back up each claim and to answer each objection.  I saw the post as a Public Service Annoucement to "watch out".  I did some digging before I started this thread to make sure I did due diligence.  Do you not find it puzzling that the websites of the companies mentioned do not show Verdant Audio products in their drop-down menus...but if you do a web search that includes the name of the online company and Verdant Audio you get links where you can then purchase Verdant Audio products at prices THOUSANDS of dollars less than anywhere else?  According to Verdant Audio, at prices lower than his cost to import them.  The post by Robert Neill provided additional examples of the "F" word.


You may have noticed, I have not stated the names of the two companies in question and I'm trying to avoid spelling out the "F" word.  Hopefully that will keep my post from being shut down.  I did find a copy of the original post with all the replies and made screen shots of the entire thread.

We will just have to agree to disagree about the OP’s language in his thread. I thought he and the others that were familiar with these companies provided damning evidence ...

We don’t disagree there at all, @allenf1963. The problems were that it included accusations of felony fraud and then doxxed one of the accused. The OP was apparently both a dealer and a manufacturer. His fraud allegations included a claim that a non-authorized dealer was selling his product. I understand the OPs ire at that but selling gray market goods isn’t fraud.

The thread was also established to be a repository for future allegations of fraud. Those allegations of fraud create potential liability for A’gon, so the thread was properly deleted, imo.

A’gon is filled with claims of bad service, poor support, dicey web sites and the like. But when the leap is made to allege a felony, that’s not A’gon’s place. Users should alert proper authorities of those allegations.

@cleeds, you wrote:

The thread was also established to be a repository for future allegations of fraud. Those allegations of fraud create potential liability for A’gon, so the thread was properly deleted, imo.


Well, if that is the case, Audigon has a LOT OF WORK to do. Because when you do a Forum Discussion Search using the word "Fraud", you get 1,372 Thread Results going back to the year 2000. So much for Audiogon’s even-handed approach to enforcing its "Forum Discussion Rules".  I see actions like this all the time in ad revenue driven Forums -- somebody with skin in the game went to the Audiogon Moderators.  Considering the thread involved the possibility of losing several thousands of dollars to sham websites, the Mods decision stinks more than burning Caps that are overloaded.


Here are some older examples:

Don’t buy Arcam cd23

Its a fraud.


24bit/96khz a fraud

Many new cd players feature 24/96 DAC without internal upsampling , what is meaning of 24/96 ...



test with any cable.They would be revealled as the frauds


UPS Question/Problem

This seems like fraud on sellers part?



.... Considering the thread involved the possibility of losing several thousands of dollars to sham websites, the Mods decision stinks more than burning Caps that are overloaded ..

You’re being more than a bit over dramatic. If you think the moderators here are so dishonest, why are you here? Doesn’t your presence simply further their secret agenda?

The examples you cite are really aren't the equivalent of the deleted thread.