What's the best Blu-Ray player for 300.-350.

I just bought a Pioneer Kuros PDP-5020 and need to squeek a Blu-Ray player out of the budget. I'm thinking around 300. to 350. for now. Anyone with any suggestions on the most bang for the buck? Thanks
By the way I am being a little sarcastic here, but for me slow motion yada yada is the least of my worries watching a movie or playing a CD! Is there some major Blu ray porn releases out there for this or something :-) Seriously though I have no clue, and this is probaly the least priority I see most people caring about for most movie and music functions, at least I have never had a use for such things, hell I don't even care about multi angle features that started coming on DVD players 10 years ago! Anyway for 300 bucks this kinda stuff would not keep me from having the best machine for the job, my main issue with all the blu ray machines is their inability to save some previous disc stop spots, but not a big deal at this point.     
As a final note on absolute standard DVD performance, either machine I have spent hours TWEAKING in with several factors in mind, I can make both perform as flawless as possible. And your display will make a big difference as well… As a matter of fact anybody with a 42" or lower screen will probably think both are perfect nearly out of the box… its when you get into some more sizeable flaw enhancing hard driven systems that certain things will need to be addressed. You could sit all day going crazy over making ever single disc look nearly perfect. I have in the end found the sony to be the best of all worlds, and of course there is a little bias as its just flat out capable of a function that the oppo is not, Blu ray… Now no doubt when oppo comes with a machine at double the price it will be a very good machine, but not for me or most knowing how to get this performance in the first place, accept if you really are banking on some audio formats that you really want the oppo for.

Besides all this, I appreciate many own 100's of standard DVD's and need the best possible way to play all this back over the years.. But guess what DVD's are basically worth 2 bucks now, and blu ray is slowly replacing them, but I own Vinyl too, and would not settle for anything less than excellent Analog playback on a turntable, but guess what don't expect a new CD player to be able to sound as good!! This is the same on blu ray vs. DVD… I actually don't care on DVD if it is just a TAD behind blu ray performance, It SHOULD BE! No ACTUALLY IT BETTER BE!! Or we just wasted all this time and money on nothing! So if your goodfather collection on DVD from 10 years ago looks as good or better on an oppo than the newly released version on blu ray with any blu ray machine don't buy a blu ray machine at all! See my point?              
Very good point made about the HDMI cables. Cables DO make a difference, even with ones and zeros. The chain is only as strong as the weakest link. I knew you would have something interesting to add.
Yep, I see your point EXACTLY. I'm having deja vu....SACD vs CD. Hope Blu Ray makes it!
Blu ray is accessable and in every house wives, kids(ps3), and video stores FACE!!

Funny story I HAD ZERO INTEREST in Blu ray, MY WIFE PUSHED FOR IT!!! THATS A first and scary transition in our hobby of technical audio video B.S.! I quite honestly cared less, I am old school audio, I love a good movie, but remember this stuff for people watching on TV and every single DVD preview seeing this cool looking new technology and Sonys name attached its a far bigger exposure than some old dusty recording from the 60's being transfered hopefully well onto a DSD recording.

It has already made it, as a matter of fact My local best buy, Target, and rental joints all have new movies and MORE shelves almost dedicated to blu ray vs. standard DVD.. Blu ray has already supposedly in percentages outsold the beginnings of DVD from the first years mid 90's… You will see the big sellers on Amazon etc.. and selections are very much becoming the hot items just as the IPOD! The world did not need SACD, it wanted Blu ray, there is a big difference.. And I can tell you the menu system, the Sound, the Picture on ANY system are far superior to DVD, SACD needed to have better equipment and recordings started from SCRATCH… Hollywood is already virtually 100% using HD cameras for all movies now, And even your local government is forcing HD digital as the signal of choice… So yes Blu ray is not a remote cry to what SACD was for many many reasons.

But for SURE the pricing on Discs will need to drop into DVD cost levels very very soon.. 30 bucks a disc will not hold up long.