I think Class A audio is likely way down the list. OTOH, they could make sweeping legislation about stereo in general but they are going after gas users first like kitchen stoves and hot water heaters and of course cars.
Political agendas are cyclic and this too shall pass, we just don’t know where it will settle out. It depends on how long the Democrat party stays in power and whether it continues to be ruled by the green agenda. Not likely that both will contine just based on how politcs works and based on my observation of political history. But even with 4 more years of green focus by the same administration, I doubt they will get to hifi with their regulations.
Of course if we get a Republican president or the Democrat party swtiches it’s focus to other issues, then the "heat" will be offfor a while.
But I could be wrong.
PS at my very large and very liberal company we are making a lot of proactive and low/no cost initiatives to build new construction to be tolerant of global warming, or lack of global warming, whichever we get. This is the way it shold be addressed, let private industry make cost effective solutions rather than large government mandates.
PPS those of you who are offended by the reference to GT, ask yourself how offended you would be if the reference was to one or those you hate in the other party. Lets not be a diode.