Modwright Transporter VS Transporter w/DAC

wondering if anyone has compared the MW Transporter against a MW or stock Transporter using a high quality external DAC. Just curious.
I have compared bot and the Modwright running analog out is the best. The only time I heard a DAC sound better is when I was using the Levinson no.40 but that might have the best DAC in the world. All other DAC didn't sound as good as the Modwright.
I have a Modwright transporter. I compared the Modwright analog output with using the digital output through a very nice Hermes II tube dac. I have finally settled on the Modwright transporter and am satisfied with its after several years of trying to get my computer to be a nice source of digital music. For me, this beats the Lynx sound card or the lynx running through external DACs. After 5-6 years of not being "quite" satisfied with computer based sound, I am happy to consider selling my CD transport and DAC (need to overcome my laziness and list).
For the benefit of those listening in on this, what is the current price for the basic Modwright and does it include the new changes?

Are you saying the current stock power supply is its only weakness?
The stock product is not a Modwright (modded) Transporter, but a Logitech Transporter. So when you ask about "the basic Modwright" it's a fully modded Transporter, about $1800 above the cost of the stock Logitech one (which goes for anywhere from $1-2k depending on used, etc.). The hypermod upgrade is another $300 and is not paramount to getting great sound, just a nice new power supply upgrade to the already modded Modwright Transporter. You can't just get the hypermod on a stock TP.