You should not speculate and write negatively if you do not know about Cayins.
My Cayin A88T was deigned in Germany, built in China: hand built, point to point. Beautiful workmanship inside and out.
This extremely positive review is why I bought my Cayin A88T which sounds terrific.
"The Cayin 88T is the first integrated amp I’ve ever had in my system that sounds so good, I have absolutely no desire to go back to the big mono block amps and the preamp. In fact, in many ways, the Cayin sounds better!"
"No, I didn’t decide to start this review with my summation. That wasn’t me talking. That’s a famous American manufacturer speaking".
The more powerful A100T is also a terrific tube amp, 8 power tubes, individual bias pots and meter. Subsequent mark 2 and 3; and other models like the A100T have external bias adjusters and meters
What tubes are in an amp is part of the different sound between amps.
Mine came with 6550 power tubes, I changed to KT88’s. It sounded great with the 6550’s, I prefer the KT88’s.
Bias: when switching tubes, I had the bias adjusted by Steve at VAS who used to be the distributor of Cayin USA. (my mark 1 has needed 16 ohm taps, bias is internal, no meter)
I blew a 6sn7 (put in 6sl7 socket), bought a matched pair, they sounded awful. Brent Jesse let me return/try a different brand, they sound as hood as the originals.
Thus, I would wonder what tubes are in OP’s very high quality Cayin.