wadia 781i vs dcs puccini

usa vs uk who has the best all in one cd/sacd player?
I owned the Wadia 581-SE and auditioned the 781i and the Puccini. I currently also own the DCS classic Verdi Encore & Elgar plus which sound much better to the Puccini IMO. Funny thing is, I found the 781i to be a bit softer sounding than the 581-SE. It lost the scale and resolution to the 581-Se.

The Emm Labs CDSA-SE ( latest version ) even in stock form IMO out class all of the players mentioned but my unit has been upgraded and is now the best sounding player I have heard to date regardless of price.

Hope this helps.
Flashunlock i was thinking that also about my wadia 781i. It is really soft in the low end. I was thinking of going with dcs puccini since it has a preamp feature like the wadia.
Usarmyvet91, You really need a good pre amp for either the Wadia and the DCS. I found running those two directly to power amps gave a thinner harsher sound.
I want to get one box unit, something that sound better in the bass than my wadia 781i. It has to have built in volume control. I have not listen to the dcs puccini if you have any suggestion let me know.