Annoying newbie CD/SACD player question

I am still using my Sony 5 disc carousel CD player that I bought in 1992.  I have loved this thing for years and years.  Recently it started skipping.  I cured that with some budget isolation feet from Amazon.  After about a year it’s starting to act up again, not being able to register that a CD is in the tray.  Turning it off and on fixed that but even without the recent problem I’ve been looking for a replacement for a while now. 

I have around maybe 25 hybrid SACD’s and have always wanted to try the format.  The only SACD player I can afford new is the Arcam CDS50.  I’ve also looked at a used Marantz 8005 SACD player and various used Sony’s.  On the other hand I’m thinking of just forgetting about SACD and I’m primarily looking at the Cambridge transport and the Audiolab 600cdt.  I would consider the new Audiolab CDT models as well.   Part of me wants to scratch my SACD itch.  I think the Marantz used is the best option.  It’s a recent model so likely still a lot of life left in it.  Looking at gut shots it seems much better built than the Arcam.  Am I wrong about that?  As far as the Cd transport option It seems that the Audiolab is the best bang for the buck with the only downside being the slot loading mechanism that scratches some people’s discs.

I’m having a hard time deciding which avenue to take.  I guess, like most people, I’m looking for the most bang for the buck.  Sorry for the rambling post.  I thought maybe it would instigate some suggestions to help me with my decision.  Thanks


I agree with mahler123 on the Marantz SA8005 CD/SACD player tending to roll off some of the high end. Like him, I had a SA8005 also. I didn’t notice the roll off so much until upgrading to a Marantz KI Ruby CD/SACD player, which clearly  delivered the missing high end elements. That was quite a pleasant surprise at the time.


I have a Marantz SA 15s1. You can find these used for around $1000.  It is an excellent player and very well built.


I have the Sony UBP-X800 M2. According to the owner's manual, it will play all manner of Blu-ray, DVD and SACD. They do provide a disclaimer stating that disc specifications are an evolving format, and some may be unplayable.

Unfortunately, I can't be of much help beyond that as I don't own any SACDs. 

I have the Audiolab 6000CDT transport and am very happy with it. I’ve never had an issue with it scratching CDs.

@plasticspoon8 -- I was in a similar position last October, when I was looking for a CD player to replace a tried a true Nakamichi that I had owned since 1988 and a Sony SACD player that died.  I only had a handful of SACD's, so I weighed that against what was out there and the price.  I, too, looked at the Audiolab 6000CDT and read numerous user reviews comparing the Audiolab to the Cambridge Audio CXC v2 Transport, and ended up going with the Cambridge Audio CXC v2 when I found a brand new open box unit online for $399.00 under full warranty.  I could not pass that deal up. 


I freaking love the Cambridge Audio CXC Transport.  It doesn't have a bunch of bells and whistles that I don't need and wouldn't use -- when I play a CD I put it in the tray and hit play.  Seldom do I skip tracks, and I can count on one hand the number of times I've scanned forward or backwards during a song.  I don't even use the remote, although it is a nice, solid remote for the price point.  The Cambridge Audio unit checked every box for me.  When I bought the Transport, I also bought a Cambridge Audio DACMagic 100 that was on sale for $199.00 -- so I solved my CD and DAC needs for $600.00, which is the usual price for the Audiolab 6000 unit alone.  Below is a link to an Open Box Cambridge Audio unit here in North Carolina for $500.00


I have the Cambridge Audio CXC v2 in my Den system which consists of a Dennis Had Inspire 45 SET amp with Emission Lab tubes, a Dennis Had LP3.1 Preamp with Emission Lab tubes, Klipsch Forte II's, a Bluesound Node Streamer, a Cambridge Audio CXC v2 Transport with a Cambridge Audio DACMagic 100, and a Dual CS5000 turntable with an Ortofon Red cartridge and a Sutherland KC Vibe Phone Preamp.  I hope my thoughts help.