Amp — Leave on or turn off

I always turned my Benchmark AHB2 amp off after use every night. After all, why is there an on off switch on the front panel if not to do that? Last night I accidentally left it on. This morning, when I played my first record, I couldn’t believe my ears. The same record I played last night sounded infinitely better. I tried a second record and that, too, was much better.
I know there’s a debate on the question of leaving an amp on all the time.
I now know where I stand!


@bigtwin lol

great thread by @rvpiano as always.

look…no matter our political beliefs, we share passion for this hobby. But some make repeated attempts to bring devision even into these pages. 

All ya need to do is leave your amp on for a day or two.  Get yourself a good cheap thermometer and lay it near the hottest part of your amp (heat sinks).



Check the temp  and remember.  Let amps cool as a normal part of listening.

Check cold temp and then redo checking temp until it gets to above temp.

Now you can turn your amp off and know how long it will take to get to proper operational temperature.  Win-win.  You're welcome.


My Ayre V-5xe Amp on/off switch (front of amp) is really an on/stand-by switch.  (The actual on/off switch is on the back of the unit.), which implies that the electronics have a low wattage draw that keeps them 'warmed' and ready when I 'turn on' the front switch. 

That being said - I agree that morning listening is markedly better than at other times.  Line -noise?  Low Humidity? Rest?  Sum of all...?