Good upsampling DAC w. HDMI

I'm looking for a good dac to run my Verizon Fios box through and into a 2-channel preamp via HDMI cable. I'd like to spend under $3,000. Suggestions would be most welcome.
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When HDMI connections are made, there is a handshaking procedure that involves the exchange of EDIDs in which each device identifies itself and its capabilities. It is used for many things like copy-protection but also to insure that the video and audio formats are acceptable to the receiver. That includes the number of channels. As an example, if you connect a player that can output DSD (from an SACD) to a receiver or processor that cannot decode DSD, the player will decode it and send as PCM. Pretty neat.

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PS Audio has been showing their new Ultra DAC in conjunction with their PerfectWave Transport connected via HDMI. In this instance, it is sending I2S data only. I don't know if the input is capable of accepting other formats, but its worth an inquiry. I've heard the DAC at a couple of shows and it is a killer sounding unit right about your price range.