In recent years I've brought in a few very well regarded speakers that I had high hopes for but when compared to what I was replacing they didn't make the cut. Some sold off, some returned. Adjusting Volti's policy would possibly result in far more business which seems like a win win. But for now, no no.
I agree with @soix. I'm no longer interested in buying these speakers, new. Too great a risk. @snapsc can see, then, at least two here on the forum who will not buy his speakers, so perhaps Volti is at capacity and doesn't need our business --good for them, I'd say. But we prove wrong the idea that "his policy isn't hurting his sales." And if there are two of us saying it here -- and not just to be snarky or make a point (we're not) -- it's reasonable to imagine there are many others who agree.
In the long run, Volti may not care about this reaction. Or maybe there will be a point coming when sales are down or the buzz has cooled off. That will be when these comments resurface and the policy gets a second thought.