Most musical player or DAC?

Forgive up front if there is other(s) threads on this. Thanks in advance for posting links if you know of them. I'm looking for a "musical" CD player or DAC. I've been through 4 cd players so far, they were all nice in some respects, but none have really grabbed me by the heartstrings (or lapels) and stopped me in my tracks with musicality. Don't know if I should be looking for a tubed variety or not. All I know is I want something that moves me. A very 3D soundstage, unbelievable midrange, good extension at the extremes. I would rather have romantic over detailed and analytical, but transparency and a sense of air would I think be also in the mix. Nothing laid back either, I want something that engages.

My listening tastes are rock, Soul, acoustic w/vocals (male/female), blues, R&B, a bit of electronica.

Any thoughts and experiences are appreciated.

I'd say you want some sort of tube in your system. What are your amp and speakers now?

There are tons of threads here on this. My summary is that a basic CD player/transport with a DAC would the best value. That path also allows you to change DACs to get to the sound you want.

We have similar music taste. I have a tube pre-amp and tube DAC. Though it doesn't sound like vinyl its very engaging. As said here very often its about the synergy of the components in your system.

Best if you mention a budget to get more appropriate responses to your question.

Here is one thread that has been going for years:

When is digital going to get the soul of music?

cheers, ed
Thanks Ed. I have no doubt there are other threads on this topic but didn't find any with a browse or keyword search for 'musical'. The limited keyword search functionality on Agon makes it hard to find what you're looking for.

Shindo Aurieges L pre
Nuforce Ref 8 amps
Usher 6381 speakers
47 Labs OTA cabling

I don't want to spend more then a grand. Thought about going the DAC route, if I had more CD's i probably would have already but not opposed to it.
Hmm. $1k for a DAC and CD player seems tight. Looks like you put a great system together. I skimmed an old post and saw you are in SF. Me too, well close by. Did you get your shindo at PP? Matt carries the Wavelength DAC, at least you could listen to see if that is closer to the sound you want, even though over your budget- it could be worth saving up for ($1500?). BTW, I have a Brick DAC (with computer source).

A Non OverSampling DAC would be something to look into. Scott nixon DACs comes to mind in your budget.

The TADAC tube DAC is also over your budget(extremely-sorry), but gets positive reviews and comments inline with your goal. My other Monarchy DAC is around $1100 (less if used) also an NOS tube DAC.

I have nothing on CD plyers

Oh, I forgot to mention that Monarchy DACs can be picked up at mfgr. in South SF.
